
関西 14

In Kyoto 3

家に帰ろうとしたとき偶然時代祭に出くわした。 それは京都の最も有名な祭りのうちのひとつ。彼らは古代の服に身をまとって街を行進していた。 When I was about to go home we came across the festival which is called Jidai Matsuri. It's one of the most famous festivals in Kyoto.They paraded the town in traditional cloths. 京都府警。 Police of Kyoto. 彼らはサッカー選手みたいだと思った。特に彼らの脚や髪型が。 We thought they looked soccer players.Especiaully their legs and hair style. 行進をみるためにずっと同じところに1時間く..

카요의 이야기 2007.10.28

In Kyoto 2

水面に映る空。 The sky reflected in the surface of the river. 京都の中心をにある鴨川。この川はカップルが川辺で休憩をとることで有名。 Kamo river which is in the central of Kyoto.It's famous that couples take a rest in a riverside. 夕食までぶらぶらと散歩した。私は日本で柳(やなぎ)と呼ばれる木が好き。 We had wandered until we had dinner.I like willows which is called Yanagi in Japan. 銭湯(せんとう)。京都にはまだ結構銭湯がある。 A public bath.There are still some public baths in Kyoto. カフェにて。レト..

카요의 이야기 2007.10.28

In Kyoto 1

私の友達のひとりの望美に会うために京都に行って北欧モダン展にも行った。 I went to Kyoto to see Nozomi who is one of my friends and went to The Northern Europe Modern Exhibition. 昼食をとるためにカフェに行った。暖簾(のれん)のあるところはカフェの入り口。民家は美容室。 We went to a cafe to have lunch.The shop curtain is the entrance of the cafe.The house is a hair salon. カフェの前にてのんのんと(望美のニックネーム)。カフェは日本の昔ながらの普通の家みたいだった。 In front of the cafe with non-non which is Nozomi's nickna..

카요의 이야기 2007.10.27

한국으로~ To Korea~ 韓国へ~

카요방에서 보이는 풍경~ The view from Kayo's room. 賀代の部屋から見える景色。 거의 매일 갔던 무코노소우 역. Almost everyday we went to Mukonosou station. ほとんど毎日行った武庫之荘駅。 칸사이 공항에서 아침으로 우동을 먹었다. We ate udon for breakfast In Kansai airport 関西空港で朝飯でうどんを食べた。 칸사이 공항에서 In Kansai airport 関西空港で。 비행기에서 보이던 간사이 공항 The view of Kansai airport from the plane. 飛行機から見えた関西空港。 즐거운 여행이였다. I enjoyed Japan. 日本。楽しかった~

해바라기 밭~ Sunflower field~ ひまわり畑~

오노시에 있는 해바리가 밭을 다녀왔다. We went to a sunflower field in Ono city. 小野市のひまわり畑に行って来た。 해바라기 밭으로 가는 버스~ The bus which goes to sunflower field..... ひまわり畑に行くバス。 버스에서. On the bus. バスの中で。 점심. Lunch. 昼飯。 정말로 더웠다. It was really hot. 本当に暑かった。 해바라기를 마음대로 가져 갈 수 있도록 되어있었다. We could take sunflowers freely. ひまわりを自由に持って帰ることができた。
